Saturday, October 27, 2007

On Another Note...

I had a dream the other night. The Red Sox were in the World Series against the Colorado Rockies. The games were being played in San Francisco in a tiny field sqeezed in between 2 hi-rise buildings. and the bleachers were about 60 seats wide and 100 rows deep. my cousin J had seats in the last row. i had a birds eye view - but was not actually there. As the Rockies began to win the game the sox fans became very sad and started to leave the game. As seats emptied people moved closer to the field. Ended up the Sox lost (which we all know isn't possible). J then went to work at a bar and her uniform was an outfit that Olivia Newton John wore in Xanadu - headband, leg warmers and all. and then i woke up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if I am more troubled by the idea of the Sox losing or me in leg warmers.