i think we should all have to write an autobiography in our 40th year. time to evaluate and re-evaluate where we are, what brought us here and where do we want to go. What questions do we ask ourselves.
Question #1 - List 5 defining moments in your life - good or bad.
1. When i found out my cousin was killed in a drunk driving accident at age 16. I was a freshman in college and she was a senior in high school. The week before she died she was part of the homecoming court in her school. She was one of my all-time best friends. When we were little we wore the same clothes, had the same doll with the same name, played with make-up constantly and always laughed our asses off. That was in 1986 and its still very surreal to me.
2. When i found out my dad had stage 4 lung cancer. i was 5 months pregnant at the time.
3. and when he died almost a year to the day later. i was very fortunate to have had such a fantastic father and lucky enough to be able to call him one of my best friends as well.
4. When my mom stayed with my dad's body after he had passed and helped the nurses 'lay out' his body. It was an absolutely tremendous action/tribute to a best friend/best love. I hope for that kind of love. i have 2 heroes and am blessed that both of them are my parents.
5. Holding my son for the first time - He was delivered at noon and i didn't get to see or hold him until around 7 in the evening. He looked up at me and bleeted like a baby lamb and looked into my eyes trying to make noises as if to say "where have you been mom? i've been waiting for you!!"
Next question....things i've learned with age
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